Making the Maximum Use of Technology to Ease Learning for Children
posted on May 26, 2020

“We need technology in every classroom and in every student and teacher’s hand, because it is the pen and paper of our time, and it is the lens through which we experience much of our world.”
– David Warlick, Educator and Programmer
Advancements in information technology have truly revolutionized the way people communicate and operate in every aspect of modern life. Thus, it is a given fact that education cannot be far from the reaches of the technological developments shaping the world. In this regard, it is worth mentioning that perhaps,in the times that we are living in at present where the entire world has been put on lockdown in the face of a pandemic, the effects of technology are being felt more acutely in our lives and certainly in the way our children continue with their learning.
We,at GurukulThe School,regarded as the Top Preschool in Ghaziabad, believe that technology has, for a long time, been one of the driving forces that ease learning for children in a multitude of ways. And, in times like these, when our children are far away from their classrooms and desks, maximizing the use of technology has become a necessity for us for ensuring that their progress is never affected. So, let’s have a look at how we, at Gurukul, are ensuring the maximum use of technology to ease learning for our students during these times.
The remote learning initiatives for continued academic progression
We understand that children are missing their classrooms terribly during this time. Hence, our remote learning initiatives at Gurukul aim at making sure that we can at least offer our pupils a virtual classroom so that their academic progression never stops. Our teachers have regular sessions with the children where lessons are taught and assignments are given in our makeshift virtual classrooms to fulfil our promise of being relentless in the pursuit of knowledge.
Bringing social media to the rescue to keep up the interest
When it comes to making learning easy through technology, a mention has to be made of social media and its effects. For us, learning has never been without the extra-curricular activities, and it gives us immense joy to see that our children are keeping up with their singing and painting practices during the times. The videos and pictures sent to us by the parents find a regular place on our social media page.
Online and tele-counseling sessions for behavioral and academic concerns
It is understandably difficult to handle the stress and anxiety that our children are facing during these times with the school being closed and the regular routines taking a backseat. With our online and tele-counseling sessions offered for both behavioral and academic concerns, we, at Gurukul The School,recognized as the Best School in Ghaziabad, hope to be the aid that parents need to keep the worries of the young minds under check.
Offering access to a huge online library and reading materials
Implementing the beneficial aspects of technology in learning remains incomplete without having enough online study material for the children to refer to beyond the textbooks. We have enabled an extensive online library, along with enough online reading material, to satiate the thirst for knowledge among our pupils. This is a resource that is proving as handy now, as it will even after all this is over.
At GurukulThe School, we have always believed that teaching children the varied ways to use technology to learn, collaborate, research, and solve problems from an early stage helps to familiarize them with the positive side of it. Besides, it also helps to prepare the kids for their future. By understanding the usages of technology in the classroom and beyond, our children are developing knowledge and skills that will aid them better to thrive in today’s world.